Nitro 007 Viper


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Developed from the popular 2-piece Viper, this 5-piece 007 Viper will perform just like its 2-piece counterpart, but travel a lot easier. Measuring just 52cms in its case, the 007 Viper packs easily into a duffel or overnight case and avoids all the baggage restrictions and security issues that accompany two and one-piece rods. And like all Nitro Traveller series rods, 007 Viper is built tough; the last thing you need is gear failure at a remote fishing destination. Whether you’re chasing GTs, barramundi, snapper or exotic species, the 007 Viper will be up to the challenge. A must have for yak fisherman, the ultimate line class with the below deck storage option for surf launching.

Additional information


Model Length Pieces Line Weight Lure Weight
007 Viper